Leura & nearby

Please Note: Activities about Leura Uniting Church can be found on the Services and Activities page.

Other nearby Uniting Churches…

Katoomba – Sunday Worship 9am
Blackheath – Sunday Worship 10.30am – Contact: Bob Hendy 4787 7007
Hazelbrook – Sunday Worship 9.30am



unitingearthweb  aims at “Building connections between ecology and Christian faith through theological study, the arts, worship and practical projects and campaigns.”
It has been recommended as a useful resource and inspiration site.


Seasonal resources for EasterA prayer for Holy Week and Easter from the Diocesan Environment Task Group of the Church of England Diocese of Newcastle (UK): We give thanks for the gift of life from the dust of the ground, and for the new life that rises from the dust of death.  As all things hold together in Christ, who died on the cross and rose to new life, may we and all creation be released from decay and renewed in his image. Amen. From “Praying… more Read more stories about people taking action

Godly Play in Glenbrook

Godly Play is a Montessori inspired approach to children’s spiritual development –
also interesting and engaging for adults.

Dates for 2016 will be available soon.

Come along to
Godly Play 

For a story, wondering, response time and feast  

on Sunday afternoons 4:30-5:30pm

starting tbd at
St Andrews Uniting Church
on the corner of Lucasville Road and Green Street in Glenbrook

For more information or
to register your interest in attending any of these sessions
Phone: 4739 1853
or email standrews@glenbrook.unitingchurch.org.au

For more information on Godly Play in Australia go to

Easter Sunrise Service – the Easter Sunrise Service will not be held in  2021

In previous years a celebration of the resurrection is held at about 6am, usually at the Ampitheatre belonging to Leuralla on Olympian Parade at Leura.  The Ampitheatre is made available by the generosity of the Evatt family.

Please take the link to the Easter Sunrise page, Easter Sunrise , to see what has happened in the past.

Following are links to dedicated pages
for some of the Services and Activities of Leura Uniting Church

Day Retreats  An opportunity for renewal and refreshment of faith.
Open Table  a sharing place to assist all members of the Mountains community.
Pilgrimages   we seek God, and spiritual refreshment, walking in the bush.
Quiet Reflection a guided meditation and reflection on the readings for the week.
Reflection and Expression Retreats  are about creative movement, dance, improvisation and music. They are inspired by being ‘enlivened by the Spirit’.
Taizé Service  renewal through common prayer, singing, silence and personal meditation.