Services and Activities

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Service Times:

Sunday: 9.30am

Taize:  Third Sunday of the month 5pm

Twilight Service: 5pm Fourth Sunday Night


Please Note:  Some of the Services and Activities have associated web pages.  They are listed in the Section ‘Current Activities’ below, after the section ‘Reflection on this week’s Bible readings’.

Leura Weekly Bulletin

The PDF file below contains the  Leura Uniting Church bulletin is found on the front page.

Alternatively, you may download the file.

For those who cannot make it to Leura Uniting Church

The Zoom links are:

9.30 am Sunday Morning Service

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 926 8769 7749

Passcode: Leura

Our Congregation

Our congregation is chaired by the Reverend Dr John Cox. More details can be found by following the Our Community link.
We embrace diversity, and welcome all who seek to know more of God.

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Leura Uniting Church, in addition to this website of information and activity pages,  has a Facebook page.

The web address is , or,  just search for Leura Uniting Church on Facebook.

You will find  resources for Worship by following the link Worship Resources
Service Times and other Activities. as restrictions allow

Our regular service is on Sundays at 9.30 am. The first Sunday of every month is a Contemporary Service, the third is a Communion Service. We also have a children’s group, a youth group, a Taize service, a reflective service and various community support activities. Details of services may be found by following the Services and Activities link.

At the bottom of this page are links to dedicated pages for some of the Services and Activities.

Hall Bookings
The hall of Leura Uniting Church is available for regular and occasional bookings.  Please contact Peggy Goldsmith or by email,

Other nearby Uniting Churches

Katoomba – Sunday Worship   9.00am – Contact Ann Palmer 4782 1880

Blackheath – Sunday Worship 10.30am – Contact Bob Hendy 4787 7007

Hazelbrook – Sunday Worship 9.30am – Contact Marjorie Leggatt 4759 1228

Other Uniting Church Congregations

To view other  Congregations of the Uniting Church in Australia follow the link,
Find a Church

Current Activities

Links, in red, lead to pages with more details about the activity.

Day Retreats  An opportunity for renewal and refreshment of faith. The next Day Retreat will be announced soon.
Drawing and Painting Group     Postponed till further notice see Weekly timetable on the Services and Activities Page.
Leisure Learning – Sew & Chat    Postponed till further notice see Weekly timetable on the  Services and Activities Page.
Open Table  a sharing place to assist all members of the Mountains community.
Pilgrimages   we seek God, and spiritual refreshment, walking in the bush.  Starts from Leura Uniting Church at 8am.   next Pilgrimage will be announced in late April.
Playtime    10am-12noon on Mondays during school term.
Quiet Reflection a guided meditation and reflection on the readings for the week. The Quiet Reflection is on Thursdays at 11.30am.
Reflection is in temporary recess.
Taizé Service  renewal through common prayer, singing, silence and personal meditation.  On the 3rd Sunday of the month.

Weekly Timetable of Activities of Leura Uniting Church
Activities of Leura Uniting Church

Morning Worship – 9.30am

Taize Services 3rd Sun. 5pm

Contact Carolyn 0413 993 368

Twilight Service 5pm 4th Sunday


Playtime – 10am-12noon during school term. Contact:Denise

4782 6556

Book Club3rd Monday 3pm Contact Delma 0407 140 837


Tuesday & Sunday Lunch, Thursday breakfast,
Junction 142, Katoomba.
Contact: Margaret 0247 031 761

Thursday (continued)

Leura Singers 7.15-9pm Contact: John Cox

0408 993 007.

2nd Saturday of the Month
Leisure Learning Program

Flexible Walking   9 – 10 am     Ross Neville

Stitches & Yarns 10am – 12.30pm Pat Slinn

Beginner Sewers10am – 12.30pm Maria Teles

Art & About   1pm – 3.30pm Bev Plaizier

Ukelele Beginners’ Workshops and kit

For any of these programs contact

Bev Plaizier 4757 2580     0401 762 689

 Other Saturday Activities

Mt Solitary Pilgrimages: Dates to be announced:


Day Retreats:  Dates to be announced

Contact: Carolyn 0413 993 368

Hall Bookings

The hall of Leura Uniting Church is available for regular and occasional bookings.  Please contact Ross Neville on 024703175 or

Other nearby Uniting Churches

Katoomba – Sunday Worship   9.00am – Contact Ann Palmer 4782 1880

Blackheath – Sunday Worship 10.30am – Contact Bob Hendy 4787 7007

Hazelbrook – Sunday Worship 9.30am – Contact Marjorie Leggatt 4759 1228

Other Uniting Church Congregations

To view other  Congregations of the Uniting Church in Australia follow the link,
Find a Church


Attention ALL Leura Uniting Church Members!

Things  have changed!!


There is anew leadership team of 12, who will be Elders, forming the new Church Council. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected from within the new Church Council, after the Council has been formed. Six areas in leadership and administration have been identified, with two Elders responsible for reporting back to Church Council for their area:

WORSHIP                     Worship leaders, Worship Group, special & regular Services, Taizé, Thursday Services

PASTORAL CARE       Pastoral Elders, Congregation visitation, fellowship activities for congregational community building, cell groups, pastoral friends’ group

WIDER MISSION          Junction 142, Learning Support Centre, Open Table, Ritz Nursing Home Services, Evangelism, Bidwill, craft/sewing groups, new projects, development of spirituality at J142

CHILDREN & YOUTH   Messy Church, Playtime, SRE, P1, children in church

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION         spirituality and development, Bible Studies, Retreats, Christian education workshops, interfaith

FINANCE & PROPERTY           Administration, reporting to congregation and others as required, auditing, care and maintenance of property

PLEASE NOTE: Our present Elders, who have previously looked after the pastoral care of the congregation, will be known as Pastoral Elders and will be part of the second identified area of ‘Pastoral Care’. These Pastoral Elders may be also nominated as Elders of the Church Council.

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