Our regular service is on Sundays at 9.30 am. The first Sunday of every month is a Contemporary Service, the third is a Communion Service. We also have an infant’s group, a Taize service, a reflective service and various community support activities. Details of services are located under the Services and Activities banner.
Following are links to dedicated pages for some of the Services and Activities
Day Retreats An opportunity for renewal and refreshment of faith.
Open Table a sharing place to assist all members of the Mountains community.
Pilgrimages we seek God, and spiritual refreshment, walking in the bush.
Quiet Reflection a guided meditation and reflection on the readings for the week.
Reflection and Expression Retreats are about creative movement, dance, improvisation and music. They are inspired by being ‘enlivened by the Spirit’.
Taizé Service renewal through common prayer, singing, silence and personal meditation.