Leura is located in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales,
100 kilometres west of Sydney.

Leura Uniting Church is located on the corner of Grose and Megalong Streets, Leura.
Minister: Rev Myung Hwa Park – 0400191880
Regular Sunday Services
9.30 am (Zoom link below)
5pm 2nd Sunday of the month using the Taizé format and material
5pm 4th Sunday of the Month Twilight Service
The 9.30am Service is also available over Zoom and the links are below.
The Zoom links are:
9.30 am Sunday Morning Service
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 926 8769 7749
Passcode: Leura
All are Welcome:
This weeks bulletin is: 2025-02-02 LUC Bulletin
Our Congregation
Our congregation is chaired by the Reverend Dr John Cox. More details can be found by following the Our Community link.
We embrace diversity, and welcome all who seek to know more of God.
Leura Uniting Church, in addition to this website of information and activity pages, has a Facebook page.
The web address is https://www.facebook.com/LeuraUnitingChurch , or, just search for Leura Uniting Church on Facebook.
You will find resources for Worship by following the link Worship Resources
Our regular service is on Sundays at 9.30 am. The first Sunday of every month is a Contemporary Service, the third is a Communion Service. We also have a children’s group, a youth group, a Taize service, a reflective service and various community support activities. Details of services may be found by following the Services and Activities link.
At the bottom of this page are links to dedicated pages for some of the Services and Activities.
Hall Bookings
The hall of Leura Uniting Church is available for regular and occasional bookings. Please contact Peggy Goldsmith or by email, tulipgold@bigpond.com
What’s happening….
Material for Services is available on the page Worship Resources
The Uniting Church Synod of NSW and ACT has put out a list of churches who provide online worship services on a Sunday.
As well as reading our Leura services you might like to look at one of the “live” services on line.Just click on the link below.
A list of Leura Activities for 2022 are at the bottom of the page.
Reflections on this week’s Bible readings
Other nearby Uniting Churches
Blackheath – Sunday Worship 10.30am – Contact Bob Hendy 4787 7007
Hazelbrook – Sunday Worship 9.30am – Contact Marjorie Leggatt 4759 1228
Other Uniting Church Congregations
To view other Congregations of the Uniting Church in Australia follow the link,
Find a Church
Current Activities
Links, in red, lead to pages with more details about the activity.
Day Retreats An opportunity for renewal and refreshment of faith. Please follow link for details.
Open Table a sharing place to assist all members of the Mountains community.
Pilgrimages we seek God, and spiritual refreshment, walking in the bush. Starts from Leura Uniting Church at 8.30am.
Mel will be walking to Mount Solitary on further dates to be announced. He will celebrate Holy Communion at the Southern Escarpment, overlooking the Southern Highlands. He will leave Leura UC at 8am sharp. Under Covid restrictions, he can only take 4 people with him, so please let him know if you intend coming ‘on our picnic’. Please note, though, that the walk to Mount Solitary itself is not a ‘picnic’!
Playtime 10am-12noon on Mondays during school term.
Taizé Service renewal through common prayer, singing, silence and personal meditation. On the 3rd Sunday of the month.