Come up to where the air is clear
Join a walk in the Blue Mountains
and share in a service of Communion in Nature’s cathedral.
Being in such a wonderful place as the Blue Mountains, it seems only appropriate that we should seek God, and spiritual refreshment, walking in the bush.
Planned Pilgrimages
The next pilgrimages will be in 2022, and will be announced soon.
If you have any questions please contact Mel MacArthur via email,
Typical Walks
Leura Forest: A service of Holy Communion will be conducted by the Revd. Dr. Mel Macarthur in Leura Forest. Leura Forest is a solid walk of 3 hours.
A service of Holy Communion will be conducted by the Revd. Dr. Mel Macarthur
on Mount Solitary. Mount Solitary is a 5 hour walk.
Participants will leave from Leura Church
If you have any questions, on or near the day, please contact Mel MacArthur via email,
Other Mel Macarthur activities
Mountain Sunday sermon
Mel has a video of his Mountain Sunday sermon, produced as part of the Uniting Church’s Project Reconnect. Follow the link below to view the sermon.
Isle of Man pilgrimages
Mel Macarthur also organises pilgrimages to the Isle of Man. See introduction and link to site below.
Walks to inspire imagination, creativity and healing
A celebration of spirit!
Isle of Man Pilgrimages begins its program in July-August 2015 with a gently challenging walk around this beautiful island for people with cancer, led by an experienced walker, himself a cancer survivor.
More details at
Former Pilgrimage Descriptions
The walk starts at the Golden Staircase at Narrow Neck and descends into the valley. The walk to the foot of Mount Solitary is quite flat, however the ascent of Mount Solitary requires a reasonable level of fitness, as does the ascent out of the valley via the Golden Staircase. The walk takes approximately 6 hours and we allow an extra hour to spend in the splendour of the landscape.
Meet at 8am sharp at Leura Uniting Church, cnr Grose and Megalong Streets, Leura.
Participants will need to bring lunch, a couple of litres of water and a couple of snacks for morning and afternoon tea.
The walk will be led by Rev.Dr. Mel Macarthur (doctoral student at UWS), who is an experienced walker and has been on this particular walk at least 50 times. For further information phone Mel on 47574308 or send an email to:
NB. We will pay particular attention to fire danger. We will check the NSWRFS website and not go if there are signs of active fire in the area.
The pilgrimage leader will decide If it is safe to go.
If you have any doubts, on or near the day, ring Mel MacArthur 47574308.
We start from Leura Uniting Church at 8 am.
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